Mar 5, 2008

Theme Manager Tutorial - Part 1 - Information Overload.

The theme manager on Babylon Mall lets you define colours and fonts for certain sections of your mall store pages. Every mall store has the logo, navigation and item information sections but in slightly different positions:

The theme manager lets you define colours, fonts and alignments for those 3 page sections. In addition, it lets you define general settings for every page. It also lets you redefine the colours of hyperlinks; the font sizes and colours of the HTML tags H1, H2 and H3; and lets you specify an alignment and border colour for images.

The theme manager is linked from your member's page that you see when you logged in. It is here:

Most seller accounts on Babylon Mall come with 10 pre-set themes. When you click to go to the Theme Manager, you should see a page similar to this:

You are free to edit any of these themes, or to create a new one. It might be easier to start with a theme that is close to what you want and modify it.

Click the Page link next to the Artsy theme. You will see a page like this:

You may decide that you want to change the background colour. You can enter a hex code for the new colour you wish to use, or you can click the little palette icon: . If you want a wider range of colours to choose from, you can use the colour blender.

So for this example, we click the little palette icon and choose a darker green in the popup window. The popup window will go away, and the value of the background color field will change to the new value. The screen you are looking at won't show the change in colour until you click the 'Test Theme' button.

When you are happy with the settings you have chosen, click the Save Theme button to save your settings for this theme.

Now, to apply the Artsy theme to your store, you will need to edit your store. Click the format tab as shown below:

The last field on this page is for plugging in the theme you would like to use.

Clicking the icon will give you a list of themes that you can pick from. Then save your store, and your theme will be applied.

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